
Chinese Students Protest in Beijing

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We have expended hundreds of millions of dollars and millions of chest-puffing phrases resisting and speaking out against communism. We have sacrificed thousands of our young men in Vietnam and Korea; we have sold our soul and trashed our Constitution to supply the Contras in Nicaragua; we have toppled governments all over the globe to support drug-dealing dictators--all to fight communism. Three decades ago, the Hungarian Freedom Fighters were brutally crushed by Soviet tanks because the U.S. lacked the guts to stand up and be counted in their struggle.

Now millions of Chinese are standing up to their government, waving mini-Statues of Liberties and quoting from Jefferson and Lincoln while our President cowers behind microphones and makes feeble, wimpish noises, cautioning the Chinese students from going too far.

Who does Mr. Bush speak for? Is he speaking for our boys who died in Korea and Vietnam? Is he speaking for America? Or is he speaking for Premier Li Peng and the Chinese Communist Party?



