
Legalizing Voluntary Prayers in Schools


Re “Dannemeyer Suggests Top-Level Gay Drift” (July 1): As Rep. William E. Dannemeyer (R-Fullerton) continues his pitiful publicity march against homosexuals, the family unit, which he contends he’s protecting, stands alone in its effort to maintain the very fabric of its existence. Orange County families are on a daily battlefront facing the realities of unaffordable housing, drug abuse, chemical air pollution, inadequate day-care facilities, deteriorating public school systems and the necessity for two incomes to survive. Dannemeyer meanwhile, kicks up his heels, tinseled in a gaudy self-promotion, headlining in his silly savagery against the “pink plague.”

A politician interested in making news by spitting bullets at a life style is missing the target; worse still, he leaves his constituents defenseless in their crusade against the problems they elected him to combat.

I would suggest that the brave soldiers who are fighting to keep their families intact, retire Dannemeyer and his fruitless, incompetent efforts and elect a leader with backbone, one interested in solving real problems, not making them for his personal glorification.



Laguna Beach
