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It all began with Pilgrims eager to share their meager gains with the friendly, neighboring Indians who taught them how to raise their maize.

Now, when November comes across this land of wealth and waste we save one day as a holiday. We spill the cornucopia to fill our tables with a feast, and call it our Thanksgiving Day. Often, perhaps, it’s more feast than thanks. We gather all together, families, friends and neighbors, for the customary meal, and sometimes someone says a blessing.

But do we often stop to feel the impact of the great tradition and what Thanksgiving really means? The Pilgrims felt a need to share.


That same need is in the heart of every human being. Why else do we invite our friends to share our food and drink with us? Can we expand that need to reach the hungry waiting at the gate? Can we relate to those we hate, and learn to feel at one with all?

I long to reach that state of thanks, that stage where I can play my part and feel at one and be at one with all God’s creatures.

Let’s all hold hands around the world in thanks and hope for such atonement.


Laguna Hills
