
Not a Remedy

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I am writing to comment on Ray Tessler’s article “The Opposition Grows to New I-5 Checkpoint” (June 4).

First of all, we must not refer to this proposed checkpoint as a “border” checkpoint. The U.S.-Mexico border is more than 25 miles to the south. Additional resources need to be utilized there, where the illegal activity (unauthorized entry into the United States) takes place.

It is not right to force selected U.S. citizens to pass through a “border” checkpoint as they move about within California. That would be a flagrant violation of our right to free, unrestricted travel inside the United States. In addition, a 16-lane inspection point would cause monumental traffic jams for northbound travelers. How will your readers feel when they sit stopped on Interstate 5 during a “border” delay as they attempt to visit family, friends or business associates in Orange and L.A. Counties?


Carlsbad Mayor Bud Lewis is right to oppose this for other reasons. The proposed checkpoint would encourage illegal migrants to locate in the area south of it. North County is already overburdened trying to cope with the results of a failed U.S. border policy. Funds and resources are not available to support an artificially created “safe zone” for illegal immigrants.

We must convince our politicians that this proposed checkpoint is not at all a remedy but instead a costly boondoggle that would create many more problems than it attempts to solve.


