
San Gabriel : Smoking Ban Compromise

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Councilman Dominic S. Polimeni has agreed to work with merchants on a compromise to his proposed anti-smoking ordinance.

Polimeni had suggested that smoking be banned in restaurants with 40 or fewer seats. He recommended that larger dining establishments set aside half of their seating for nonsmokers. In addition, he suggested an outright ban on smoking in public places and city-owned vehicles.

But Polimeni’s proposal drew criticism at Tuesday’s council meeting. San Gabriel Chamber of Commerce Executive Vice President Judy Brown said she was concerned that the group’s members did not know about the proposal and had no opportunity to respond.


“I don’t want people to overreact,” Brown said Wednesday. “Let’s clearly study this and see what are the potential effects.”

The council took no formal vote, but members suggested that Polimeni take the next six weeks to work with the business community and resubmit an ordinance Aug. 7.
