
Mandatory Helmet Law


I was disappointed but not surprised that Gov. Pete Wilson signed the mandatory motorcycle helmet law. Of all the assaults on our liberty that the politicians have given us recently, this one has extra meaning for me.

While attending junior and senior high school in California, I was among the first to have a moped. It was great transportation to and from school and work. The only problem was that for safety reasons my parents made me put a huge, ugly red flag on the bike. It was bad enough having one of the few mopeds on the road at the time, but the flag really made me stick out. I ended up walking to school and work most of the time, with the thought “When I grow up . . . “

Now that I am 32, my new parents, Wilson and (Assemblyman) Dick Floyd, have mandated that I wear a motorcycle helmet when riding a moped (mopeds are included in this law). While my real parents had the moral authority to force me to do things I didn’t like, I do not acknowledge my governmental parents’ authority to do the same. My compliments to the motorcyclist rights groups for telling their members not to sign any tickets and go through the court systems. This will indeed prove to be an unenforceable law.


How tragic that as we prepare to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Bill of Rights, Gov. Wilson and members of the Legislature are killing it. Benedict Arnold, move over and make room for another traitor. And dear voters of California--please consider the Libertarian Party.

PAT WRIGHT, Chairman

Libertarian Party of California

San Diego
