
More Shots Are Fired in the Evolutionary War


If Capistrano Valley High School biology teacher John Peloza thinks he’s been “defamed,” he is amazingly thin-skinned. Ms. Long’s statements have been exceedingly mild, considering Peloza’s unprofessional classroom behavior.

Whether you call it scientific creationism or “purposeful design” makes no difference. All attempts to squeeze the Book of Genesis into the biology classroom have been roundly, and rightly, rejected by the scientific community as a whole. Evolution has been the only accepted scientific explanation of the origin of species for a century-and-a-half and therefore the only one that belongs in a science classroom.

If Peloza wants to discuss “competing” theories, then it should be outside his normal teaching duties. Maybe he’d like to debate the issue in front of an audience.

This isn’t even about separating church and state. It’s about separating science from religion. John Peloza doesn’t seem to know the difference.



