
Jaime Escalante Leaves Garfield


In your editorial (“So Long to a Teaching Superstar,” June 20) concerning the move of Jaime Escalante to Sacramento you state that “ . . . the folks who run the teachers unions . . . “ should have done all we could to keep Escalante in Los Angeles.

We believe that through our actions to professionalize teaching, and by our efforts to ensure that all teachers have a living wage, we have done our utmost not only to keep Escalante in Los Angeles but to keep all outstanding teachers here as well. Our efforts to bring true collegiality to education via school-based management bring to Los Angeles some things all teachers across America have been fighting for for decades--respect for ourselves as professionals and the opening of management of our schools to those who deal with our young people daily--their parents, teachers and administrators.

UTLA does not believe that Escalante is the only “teaching superstar” in Los Angeles. Indeed, the record shows that some of the mathematics teachers at his school, Garfield, have as good or better a record on the Advanced Placement Calculus test for their students. Escalante is certainly a fine teacher, but there are literally thousands of teaching superstars.


Two quick facts on this point. It must be pointed out that California students rank fifth highest in the nation on the SAT and third in the percentage of Advanced Placement students who receive scores of three or better, thus qualifying for college credit. They are taught by scores of superstars.

UTLA nominated Escalante for one of the most prestigious awards given by the National Education Assn., the Human Rights Award, which he received in 1989.

UTLA believes that it has done everything possible to let Escalante know he is respected. But, more important, our efforts to professionalize and dignify teaching, and to obtain for teachers the remuneration that will allow the most gifted and dedicated to enter and stay in the classroom, speak not just to Escalante but to all current and future teaching superstars.


Secondary Vice President

United Teachers-Los Angeles
