
Bush Will Receive Lion’s Share as 8 Candidates Get Matching Funds

From Associated Press

Eight 1992 presidential contenders will divide nearly $6.4 million in federal matching funds--the first distribution of the 1992 elections--with President Bush receiving the largest amount, the Federal Election Commission said Thursday.

The commission said the payments, to be made after Jan. 1 to the eight certified candidates, will total $6,372,788. Additional payments will be made as the election progresses and candidates raise more money.

President Bush’s reelection campaign will receive $2,629,366.

The Democratic candidates to whom payments will be made, in order of how much money they will get, are:


--Sen. Tom Harkin of Iowa, $1,075,189.

--Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton, $579,364.

--Sen. Bob Kerrey of Nebraska, $574,597.

--Former Sen. Paul E. Tsongas of Massachusetts, $456,535.

--Former California Gov. Edmund G. (Jerry) Brown Jr., $234,926.

--Virginia Gov. L. Douglas Wilder, $198,315.

In addition, independent candidate Lenora B. Fulani, 41, who founded the New Alliance Party, will receive $624,497. The party has a pro-black agenda and aims to represent disenfranchised communities such as minorities and gays.

Candidates eligible to receive federal matching funds must first raise $100,000 in contributions from individuals.
