
Sheriff’s Department

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Our nephew, Nelson Yamamoto, who was a rookie deputy, was buried on April 7 with the greatest tribute that was fit for a king.

During his hospitalization, Sheriff Sherman Block made a special visit, in spite of his busy schedule, to encourage Nelson as well as spending some time with the family. Many, many deputies came by the hospital during our vigil. Most of these deputies did not know Nelson but were there to comfort and support us. We could not believe the brotherhood the Sheriff’s Department displayed with their compassionate and caring attitude. Nelson’s family could not have survived the crisis had it not been for the Sheriff’s Department; they were with the family every minute of the day supporting us to the end. No words can adequately describe their love and support.

Many criticisms and complaints have been made against the Sheriff’s Department, which have been blown out of proportion through the media. Now, we must apprise and educate the public that the deputies are super individuals. Yes, we have lost our dear Nelson and are very sad and lonely, but we have gained a large family of caring individuals.


Quit criticizing the Sheriff’s Department and other law enforcement agencies; they are out there to protect our communities and are risking their lives every minute. Uphold them in your daily prayers and support them.


