
Schools Need More Deans of Dreams


It was high time Don Mroscak received the recognition he so truly deserves (“The Dean of Dreams,” Dec. 6).

As a first-year student at Garfield High School, I was told by my counselor that I had no need for other than basic math because, as he put it, “You are never going to college, so why bother.” He told me this without looking at my transcript or knowing my name.

Don Mroscak was at that time making his rounds of classroom visits, informing students that college was indeed a possibility, not some unforeseeable future event that had more to do with the color of one’s skin and socioeconomic situation than willingness and determination.


Unfortunately, some things never change. Now I am a college instructor and many of my students face the same obstacles I have faced, primarily racial discrimination in the educational system.

Fortunately, I had Don Mroscak to guide my educational future, as did many other fortunate Garfield students. I hope that all students, regardless of race, find such a person for guidance and encouragement.


Costa Mesa

Heritage Center Not ‘Fully Funded’

Re “Local Hero” (Nov. 29): It would be remiss not to acknowledge your recognition of the Al Wooten Jr. Heritage Center and the good it is doing in its South-Central neighborhood. However, your article gives an impression that the center is fully funded. That belief could damage the center.

With her own funds and those from close friends, Al Wooten’s bereaved mother, Myrtle Faye Rumph, started the center. That pattern continues.

Everything the center is accomplishing is due to the family support circle. The underprivileged students at the Center cannot look to their parents to contribute; some students have no parents. The center receives nothing from the state or the city, although a few altruistic groups have added nominal help.

Without personal support, the Wooten doors cannot open to students and their volunteer teachers.



Los Angeles

Passing the Buck on Responsibility

Re “Can’t Take Monogamy? Blame It on Biology” (Dec. 9). Biology? And I thought I’d heard everything. The supposition is the most ludicrous passing of the buck I’ve ever known. It is also an incredible insult to all the monogamous couples who have fought countless temptations and desires because they understand the word commitment .

Reading what seemed to be a serious comparison of red foxes (mammals ruled by instinct) and humans (mammals with higher reasoning and the ability to make choices) gave me my biggest laugh in months. I was reminded of Mark Twain’s comment: “Man is the only animal that blushes--or needs to.”




It is misleading to suggest that body chemicals can cause or prevent monogamy. This is just another example of our tendency to dodge parental responsibility and explain social pathology because it is “in the genes” or of “chemical” origin.


