
Computer Glitch


* Re “Computer Glitch Has Workers Worried,” June 18:

I find it hard to feel pity for the district attorney’s office. In my child support case, they made one effort, a phone call, to locate the father and were unsuccessful. I called weekly from then on. Three years later, at my urging, they tried again and succeeded. They would say I harassed them. I’d say they don’t know how to do their job.

In November, 1994, I received my first support check after waiting four years. But again, I lost my rights for two months due to a “computer glitch.” When I called to complain, one bored employee told me “it could take up to a year” for me to receive payment. Eight weeks later, and a dozen more phone calls, my file was “fixed.”

Now, the district attorney’s office is worried about threats? What goes around, comes around. As single parents, we ask for what is rightfully ours and they treat us like manure. Sadly, the district attorney’s office has initiated an error-prone system that takes food out of the mouths of our children.



