
Cuba Downs Planes

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Re “Clinton Outlines Sanctions on Cuba for Downing Planes,” Feb. 27: There’s no question about the fact that Castro is a bad guy. There’s equally no question that one of Castro’s trigger-happy MIG pilots shot down two pesky civilian planes. Finally, there’s no question that the wealthy Cuban expatriates living in Miami can’t resist the effort to tweak Castro’s tail in every way possible.

With all that given, this American citizen is disgusted by the fact that a cadre of Cuban nuts to whom we have granted shelter is now trying to write American foreign policy. If the Bay of Pigs fiasco didn’t teach us not to pay too much attention to these rabid crackpots, I guess nothing will. We should treat this incident exactly for what it is, a provoked incident. Clinton’s response was just right, a punishment which perfectly expresses our disgust without threatening to turn loose the dogs of war.


Woodland Hills

* It has been known that these so-called unarmed planes have a history of flying over Havana and dropping leaflets inciting the people of Cuba to overthrow their leaders. Is that not an act of war? In the past “we” have burned their sugar cane and tobacco fields with napalm, tried to have Castro assassinated by Mafia members and carried out the Bay of Pigs invasion that failed. Do they not have the right to protect themselves?



Los Angeles

* The downing of the two planes over Cuba demonstrates once more the deadly consequences of existing confrontational policies. It is in the interest of both the American people and world peace that every attempt be made to initiate friendly and peaceful dialogue with the Cuban government. Our present policy of hostility and blockade inevitably leads to incidents such as the downing of the two planes. It is time to recognize Cuba’s sovereignty and stop making an “enemy” out of that small island.

We need to lift the economic embargo, begin respectful dialogue with the Cuban government and stop wasting our tax dollars on dangerous military posturing.

