
Teens’ Access to Potent Drinks


Re “Malt Liquor, Fortified Wine Threaten Youth” (Orange County Voices, April 13):

Lois Raffel is right on the money. Potent drinks of 40-ounce bottles of malt liquor and small fortified wines contain a huge amount of alcohol and are too cheap. The excessive alcohol content is dangerous to teens who don’t have a lot of money to spend and who want to get drunk fast.

Schools should address alcohol-related problems and policies with the local community.

There are too many liquor stores that sell these deadly products that have been linked to an increase of problems like violence and gang-related activities. Near the library where I volunteer, there is a liquor store too close to the neighborhood church and park. This makes it easier for teens to obtain drinks and down them in the park.

Role models such as Ice Cube and Snoop Doggy Dogg should not promote these malt and wine drugs in music videos and the alcohol industry should stop selling these harmful poisons.



