
Richard Katz

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Frank del Olmo must really be torn. He has written an alarmist column downplaying the “exaggerated” rift in the 20th State Senate District between Latino Democrats who backed the victorious Richard Alarcon and Jewish Democrats who backed Richard Katz (Commentary, July 5).

In the divisive world of ethnic politics encouraged by the Democratic Party, democracy is a zero-sum game played between victims (blacks, Latinos, women, Jews, etc.) and oppressors (white males). In the absence of an easily demonized Republican, different victim groups and their candidates will fight each other to make ever-more extravagant claims to the “biggest martyr” prize, which usually includes an electoral victory as a consolation gift. A good liberal, Del Olmo sees the importance of sweeping Latino-Jewish discord under the rug, as it can only lead to “martyr inflation” and the further cheapening of political discourse.


West Hollywood

* Del Olmo completely missed the point in his apologia for the events in the 20th senatorial district. Nobody is arguing that Alarcon did a better job in getting the vote out. It was how it was done that was at issue. I live in the district and it was immediately evident from his earliest statements his thrust was that only a Latino should be representing this district. It was Alarcon who sent me a mailer, early in the campaign, not to confuse him with Richard Alatorre. The half-truths came en masse from Alarcon’s campaign. Katz responded. These actions regretfully have become too commonplace.


It was the Richard Polanco letter, crafted by Alarcon’s campaign manager Richie Ross, that went way over the line. The whole letter was a big lie and Polanco, as a fellow legislator, had to know that. Moreover, he signed it as chairman of the California Latino Caucus, as spokesman for all Latino politicians in the Legislature. Not one has disavowed his letter publicly.

The attacks were beyond the type that is glossed over. The rift should never have occurred. Let us hope for all concerned it is mended and not swept under the rug.


Sherman Oaks

* How is it that Del Olmo refers to Katz as a Jew and doesn’t refer to Alarcon as a Catholic? He refers to Alarcon as a Latino, so why not refer to Katz as an American? It seems to me that he is religion-baiting when it comes to Katz.



North Hills

* Re “Katz Should Accept Apology,” editorial, July 3: Why should Katz accept an apology from someone who deliberately set out to tell a falsehood? Why should the tensions between Jews and Latinos be the responsibility of the damaged person? Accepting an apology would be tantamount to telling the perpetrator that it is all right to deliberately smear someone.a

Further, Alarcon should resign the election, and pay for a new election to settle the matter of who has won the primary election. The good senator who financed the campaign should apologize to the people.



* With Democrats like Alarcon, I may vote Republican.


