
Rebel Rejects Mexico Talks

<i> Associated Press</i>

In his first comments on recent military raids in the southern state of Chiapas, leftist rebel leader Subcommander Marcos accused the government of waging a war against guerrillas and Indians.

In the rebel communique released Thursday, dated “July, 1998, from the mountains of Southeastern Mexico,” Marcos said President Ernesto Zedillo’s policies have convinced the Zapatistas that dialogue with the government is useless.

“Zedillo destroyed any confidence in his government. Without confidence, it is impossible to reach agreements. If there are no agreements, why hold a dialogue?” Marcos wrote.


The government answered in a terse communique: “We hold a dialogue to find a peaceful solution to the conflict.”

Marcos’ statement, and another released Wednesday, were the first from the rebel leader since March.
