
Welfare Surplus


* Re “Healthy Economy Leaves Surplus for Welfare,” April 20.

I read this article with astonishment. It seems that the welfare-to-work program is working so well that the county has amassed a $7.3-million surplus. Ventura County officials are looking at how to spend this windfall.

Silly me, I thought the point of the welfare-to-work program was to help welfare recipients get back into the mainstream, thereby reducing the cost of welfare and lightening the burden on taxpayers.

The windfall that is received by Ventura County rightfully belongs to the taxpayers. Instead of finding ways to spend the money by expanding programs that will later have to be maintained at that higher level, county supervisors should figure out how to return the excess taxes and cut welfare costs even more.


Unfortunately, this is a prime example of how the government got to be the size that it is. Spending keeps ratcheting up. During bad times politicians claim they have to hike taxes to deal with deficits and temporary emergency needs. Then when the economy gets better they find new programs to keep spending our money on.

So my simple question is this: When does it ever become the right time to cut taxes and spending?


Simi Valley
