
Drugs War Denies Opiates’ Healing Power


Re “A New ‘Worst’ Drug Stirs Up the Snoops,” Commentary, July 19:

Last year I contracted a virus that caused symptoms similar to an extreme case of arthritis. I was hospitalized and on round-the-clock Demerol for seven days, weaned to oral Percocet for one day and then sent home by my in-hospital doctor with a prescription for Ultram. Over the course of the week I had regained some range of motion and had some easing of pain. But after three days at home with virtually no real pain relief, I was in as much pain as when first admitted to the hospital and had lost most of my range of motion.

I went to my own physician, who had been involved in, but not in charge of, my in-hospital care. He prescribed OxyContin, and within two days I was back to the level of motion I’d had upon leaving the hospital. Without his willingness to prescribe opiates, which he firmly believes have an important part in medical care, I probably would have ended up back in the hospital. There will always be addicts. But opiates must not be unavailable to those who need and properly use them.

Dawn Charouhas

Sherman Oaks
