
Protect Birds, Open Space

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Re “New Plan Endangers the Same Projects,” April 25:

This article gives a negative slant to what is a very positive approach by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service -- that an endangered species, the gnatcatcher, should be protected. It is the law.

We in South County should realize that the whole world cannot live in this presently wonderful place. I have been coming to this area for more than 60 years and for 10 years have lived here. We need our undeveloped places. Not just for the gnatcatcher, but for the future generations that should have an area in South County where there is no development.

Rancho Mission Viejo wants to build 14,000 homes on the ranch. If there has to be development, it should be limited and adjoin San Juan Capistrano and Ladera.


The Chiquita Canyon area has the largest population of gnatcatchers. Protect this area.

The Foothill South tollway extension should not happen. It will devastate an area that should remain habitat for wildlife.

Let us not say that the “New Plan Endangers the Same Projects.”

Let us say that the new plan protects endangered species and protects wild natural spaces for the enjoyment of future generations.

Paul Carlton

San Clemente
