
Keep the Bar for New Taxes at a High Level


Re “Petition Seeks to Lower Threshold for Tax Hikes,” Aug. 28: So now, by an initiative, our politicians in Sacramento as well as labor and “government reform” groups want to make it easier to levy taxes by changing the threshold from two-thirds to 55%.

Does anyone with an ounce of sense really believe that they’re doing this because of our past budget stalemates? These people don’t give one damn about prior budget stalemates; what they’re looking at is making it easier to squeeze money out of us. Don’t cut the waste out of the budget. Just make it easier to tax so that you can continue spending, spending, spending.

And why bother having a state Constitution if politicians, through initiatives, will just change it to get what they want? According to your article, if this measure were to pass, Democrats in Sacramento could increase our taxes without the help of the GOP. Doesn’t that defeat the purpose of electing people to represent you?


Thomas Cresswell

