
Where less is more


They got most everything right but the name of this magazine, which debuted in October. Taunton Press could have called the bimonthly Home Decorating for the Rest of Us, because what appears in its pages is more how-to than leap-off-the-page inspired.

That’s also its charm. August features with straightforward headlines -- “Refacing kitchen cabinets” or “Patio Doors” -- have an abundance of pullout boxes that make the page-turning easy and the information accessible. The eight-page French door feature is packaged with seven companion pieces, including illustrations that make it easy to understand how “slide-fold” or “telescoping sliding” doors open.

Another leisurely feature on an architect who embellished “a basic box” has arty floor plans with helpful arrows to show how she made her 1,800 square feet feel expansive. Again, smaller pieces such as “Lessons I learned” (“never skimp on storage”) and detailed captions expand on the main idea.


The back cover of each issue showcases a tiny cabin getaway, a reminder to do more with less. Just as this hyperbole-free magazine does.

Valerie J. Nelson
