
Grenade Attack Confession Told

From Associated Press

A prosecution witness testified Monday that a soldier charged with killing two officers in a grenade attack during the Iraq war confessed to the crimes after his arrest, saying he feared Muslims would be killed during the war.

Sgt. Asan Akbar, 32, of the 101st Airborne Division faces the death penalty if convicted. Monday’s hearing was held to resolve legal issues in advance of his court-martial.

Sgt. Eric Tanner, a brigade legal assistant, testified that Akbar, who allegedly lobbed grenades into three Army tents in Kuwait, told a major he attacked his fellow soldiers and, after learning of his right not to incriminate himself, said he was “ready to talk.”


When asked why he committed the attack, “Sgt. Akbar stated: ‘I did it because I’m Muslim. They were going to kill Muslims and rape Muslim women,’ ” Tanner said.

Akbar’s lawyers have said that there were no witnesses to the crime and that Akbar was accused because he is Muslim.

They want Akbar’s statements kept out of evidence.

Capt. David Coombs, one of Akbar’s military defense lawyers, argued that the statement could have been made under pressure, as Akbar was handcuffed, under armed guard and soldiers were yelling at him.

He said the soldiers were talking to Akbar “at a time when clearly no one should have been making statements,” including one soldier who said Akbar’s actions would create problems for Muslims in the Army.
