
‘Prize Fight’ article was a winner


Thank you for “The Prize Fight” [Oct. 10]: Now I don’t have to wonder if I’m being too cautious and missing out on something cheap and fun by rejecting all those trip offers. I seldom read every word of such a lengthy article; this one was worth every minute.

Lynn Maddox



Thank you so much for investigating. We are bombarded with such offers for prizes. The elderly are vulnerable targets.

Peggy Rothring

Thousand Oaks


I couldn’t believe what I was reading because I am involved in a similar situation. This is an important issue, and I’m glad you wrote about it. Something tells me mine won’t be the only letter of this kind you receive. Thank you for sharing your experience and letting other consumers know we are not the only ones going through this. It puts things in a whole new light.


Talia Eisen

Los Angeles


Writer Rosemary McClure’s adventure was, indeed, a great public service. She lived the odyssey I have constantly allowed to pass me by each time the offer came my way. Thank goodness I did.

Joseph N. Feinstein

Sherman Oaks
