
On Bush bashing

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IN “At This Point, It’s Stardom Optional” [Sept. 11], I would like to hear Choire Sicha’s reason for inserting a paragraph about Gwyneth Paltrow viewing “Fahrenheit 9/11,” and calling the president “the biggest moron of all time.” Paltrow was referring to him “landing and saying ‘Mission accomplished.’ ” The sign said it; Bush didn’t. The crew was justifiably proud of accomplishing one of the longest deployments in U.S. naval history.

Sicha’s article was supposedly about Paltrow’s career and living in New York versus London. The Bush bash was completely out of context. These kinds of political daggers from celebrities just might be one more reason Hollywood is steadily losing its audience.


Del Mar



LIVING in Orange County, I’m accustomed to being cautious when commenting about our president. I was startled to read Gwyneth Paltrow’s assessment of Mr. Bush as “the biggest moron of all time.” While I may be uncomfortable with her comment, at this point it does seem to have some merit.


