
Stretch targets tight joints


If you look in the mirror and see a rounded upper back, if your shoulders feel tight, if your arm movement feels restricted because of this tightness, then focus on specific stretches such as this one. It can help improve the flexibility in the muscles that control your shoulder joints.


Karen Voight


1 Sit upright on the floor or on a sturdy bench. Distribute your weight evenly over both of your buttocks. Bend your left arm and place the back of your hand between your shoulder blades, palm facing out. Stretch your right arm up over your head and then bend your elbow to grasp the fingers of your bottom hand. Now stretch up through your right elbow and down through your left elbow. Move your head back against your upper arm and hold for 15 to 20 seconds as you breathe evenly. Release your arms down to your side, pause for a moment and repeat on the opposite side.

2 If you find it impossible to bring your hands together behind your back, hold a towel or belt in your right hand and grasp it with your left. As you hold this position, try to walk your hands closer together for a deeper stretch in your shoulders. Remember to stay relaxed and resist the tendency to overarch your lower back or shift your weight to one side.



Karen Voight can be reached at
