
A good reason to leave Iraq


Re “Iraq’s delay on reconciliation frustrates U.S.,” Feb. 24

Our troops should not be allowed to remain in Iraq while our Iraqi allies refuse to implement President Bush’s reform plan.

Originally, U.S. officials and our Iraqi allies aggressively barred former Baathist Party members from government service, but now Bush’s reform calls for easing the rules and for reconciliation between Sunnis and Shiites. However, the vast majority of Shiites and Kurds oppose Bush’s plan. Shiites have only deepened their hold on the civil service and security forces. Since our Iraqi allies refuse to accept our reform plan, we should withdraw and let them settle it their way.


Seal Beach



Now that the Iraqi government has rejected reconciliation with the Baathists -- a condition that Bush indicated was an important benchmark to continue U.S. support -- Bush will have to come up with some other justification for keeping U.S. troops in the middle of a sectarian war. I’m sure he isn’t worried, though. He can always play the fear card, warning that if we leave Iraq, the country will descend into chaos and the terrorists will follow us home. He can probably milk that one until he, mercifully for all of us, leaves office.


