
Talking politics in Israel

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Re “Bush derides terrorism ‘appeasement,’ ” May 16

President Bush’s ill-conceived remark that equates talking to the nation’s adversaries to “appeasement” says more about why his administration’s foreign policy is such an abysmal failure than it does about any of the presidential candidates who will have to clean up his messes.

Jim Ouellet

Playa del Rey


I find it outrageous that Bush would use the honor of addressing the Israeli Knesset to advance a domestic political agenda. He should be using that opportunity to help reach his stated goal of achieving peace in the region. By entering into domestic political battles, he undercuts what little authority he had left and shows us why this country will be significantly better come January.

Steven M. Clayton

Ocean, N.J.


Isn’t Bush allowed to express his tough stance on terrorism and to declare appeasement a failure? Democrats’ overreaction and hurt feelings make one think the president touched a nerve. Do they subconsciously believe themselves weak?


Rather than wasting energy acting appalled, Democrats should spend their time declaring why their policy of troop withdrawal is the better option. Democrats should talk about Bush’s appeasement of oil companies, of catering to the wealthy over the middle class, of a failed war plan and of not capturing Osama bin Laden. They should point out he chose wartime tax cuts instead of funding bomb-resistant vehicles, body armor and additional troops. They should also note that his tough talk took place in Israel because any other country wouldn’t accept this position for a war that has gone on too long.

David DiBello

Lakewood, N.J.


Bush is correct about not negotiating with Iran as long as it is being run by terrorists. Barack Obama will lead the U.S. to certain destruction if his policy of appeasement with Iran is put into place. Along with the goal of open borders, this is a recipe for the certain annihilation of millions of Americans.

Roger Anderson

