
For the record - July 23, 2010


Ambassador Hotel: An article in Sunday’s Arts & Books section about the architecture of the schools built on the site of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles said that Sen. Robert F. Kennedy was shot and killed in the hotel. Kennedy was shot there June 5, 1968, but he died the next day at Good Samaritan Hospital.

Same-sex marriage: An article in the July 22 LATExtra section about a poll on Californians’ shifting attitudes toward gay rights said that 57% of Latino Catholics said they would vote to allow gay and lesbian couples to marry, whereas 22% of Latino Protestants said they would not. The survey found that 22% of Latino Protestants said they would vote to allow same-sex marriage, compared with 73% of Latino Protestants who would vote to keep gay marriage illegal.

Universal Pictures executive: An article in Tuesday’s Business section about Universal Pictures and its animated hit “Despicable Me” referred to Adam Fogelson as co-chairman. He is chairman.

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