
Runner missing since Sunday in snowy Sierra foothills found alive

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A runner who disappeared on a Sierra foothills trail two days ago was found Tuesday, Placer County sheriff’s officials said.

Robert Root, 55, of Modesto, was talking to rescuers, but no further information was available, a sheriff’s spokesman told the Sacramento Bee. He was found about two miles from the command area, Fox40 reported.

Root, an experienced trail runner, went missing during a training run Sunday after he became separated from other runners. He was last seen 9:30 a.m. Sunday.


The effort to find him began Sunday night, about a dozen hours after he was last seen by his running group members on the trail used for the annual June Western States Endurance run in the low mountains of Placer County.

Weather conditions were making helicopter travel difficult as crews worked to figure out how to get Root out of the rugged area.

Crews searched in the snow-covered foothills Tuesday until they found Root.
