
Flush from N.Y. trip, Rick Perry slams Obama as ‘President Zero’

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Between cash-grabbing stops in New York and Florida, Republican presidential front-runner Rick Perry has paused to release a new video assailing President Obama as “President Zero.”

The ad opens with austere, cinematic images from the stalled economy, empty restaurants, broken down buses, vacant streets, boarded-up homes, even abandoned (yet still swinging) playground swings, along with some apocalyptic lightning flashes, thunder crashes and air-raid sirens for good measure. (Watch video below.)

It appears that there are no people in Barack Obama’s America. Either that or it’s really a trailer for “Contagion.”

Perhaps the most damning picture is one of an Obama campaign poster, first shown as pristine and later torn and faded. The “President Zero” monicker stems from the August employment report, which showed that the economy created no new jobs last month.


As for Obama’s job, Perry has been gunning for that in a big way this week in New York. He has spoken to Jewish leaders, slamming the administration’s Mideast policy. He’s dined with Donald Trump adnRupert Murdoch. And he had one event in Harlem gate-crashed by none other than Rep. Charlie Rangel.

He’s also attended several fundraisers, including one hosted by Maurice “Hank” Greenberg, the former chief of insurance giant AIG, the same company that heavily benefitted from the government bailouts of which Perry has been so critical.

More fundraisers await Perry in Florida on Wednesday, in Fort Lauderdale and Palm Beach, as he prepares for Thursday evening’s Republican presidential debate in Orlando.


Here’s the video:
