
Letters to the Editor: Just pick the best leader in the fight against coronavirus to be VP

Joe Biden
Former Vice President Joe Biden campaigns in Columbia, S.C., on Feb. 11, 2020.
(Getty Images)
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To the editor: Joe Biden is holding what amount to tryouts for his vice presidential pick?

In this pandemic, the real tryouts across country are available for everyone to witness on the internet. That is how effective our national, state and local leaders are in facing real challenges.

Are their communications clear and is their planning smart? Do they manage the resources that make their plans successful? Are they tough enough to stay the course under political pressure? Do the pandemic data bear out that they are an effective leader?


All political parties still have the opportunity to evaluate and nominate the best national, state and local leaders for the November elections. Our country’s leadership is more important than ever, and it should not be based in part on whether we like or dislike a potential leader in debates, rallies and media advertisements.

Gerry Brennan, Westlake Village
