
Go Away With ... Michael Pugliese and Prem Singh

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After meeting in acting class, Michael Pugliese and Prem Singh decided to create roles for themselves that they’d be proud to portray on screen. So like Matt Damon and Ben Affleck did before them, the Canadians wrote their own screenplay and looked for backers for what would become “Tiger.” They won the interest of Mickey Rourke, who agreed to act in the film. “Tiger” tells the real-life tale of boxer Pardeep Singh Nagra (portrayed by Singh). A Canadian flyweight amateur boxing champion, Nagra wasn’t allowed to compete at nationals, because he refused to shave his beard -- an important part of his Sikh faith.

Q: What can you tell me about where you filmed “Tiger”?

Michael: We filmed in a town just north of Cincinnati named Hamilton. We got there a few weeks before (filming) and had a chance to familiarize ourselves with the area. It’s a beautiful place with lots of history and great people.

Prem: I was not familiar with Ohio at all, but the minute I got there I fell in love with the place and the people. They were so accommodating and made this experience something I will remember forever.


Q: Where would you like to go that you have never been to before?

Michael: Since “Tiger,” I’ve learned a lot about the Sikh culture and truthfully fell in love with it. I would love to go to India one day; Punjab to be exact (to) get a sense of where this beautiful, misunderstood religion originated.

Prem: I would love to go to Italy, Paris and Dubai. There is something about those places.

Q: What would be your dream trip?

Prem: Traveling anywhere around the world to make a difference. I am a full believer that we all should do something to give back. One of the purposes of doing a film like “Tiger” was to create a movement and spread a strong message through this film. We will get an opportunity to visit many different countries and get that message across on diversity.


Q: What’s the most important thing you’ve learned from your travels?

Michael: I’ve learned to always be respectful to everyone you encounter. I feel many others don’t respect the people or the country they tend to visit. You’re in their country -- their home. Enjoy your time. Learn something new. Drink water. And be respectful.

Q: What was the first trip you took as a child?

Prem: India. I loved it. I loved the culture. Even growing up in an Indian home, being exposed to the wonderful people and the way of life there was something that I will never forget. I recently went to India. It had been a while since I had been there and went to a wedding and that was a great experience! A five-day wedding celebration is nothing to sneeze at. The hospitality from the people there is like no other place. If you ever go to India, the people will make your trip the most memorable.

Michael: The first trip I took was with my family to Florida. We stayed in Clearwater, just west of Tampa. I was probably around seven years old. I loved it and will forever cherish these memories I have traveling with my siblings and parents. I find going on trips with loved ones only builds a bond, stronger than before.


Q: If you’ve ever gone away for the holidays, which was the best trip?

Prem: I know a lot of people will expect me to list a bunch of warm places, but I have been to New York City during the holidays and that was a trip! It would be a hard one to forget. The way they celebrate Christmas is incredible. It really puts you in the Christmas mood, walking down Times Square and skating at Rockefeller Center.

Q. What do you love most about Canada?

Michael: I was born and raised in Toronto and love everything about it. It’s a gorgeous, busy city with a diverse and cultured population.

Q: When you go away, what are some of your must-have items?

Prem: Electric toothbrush, grooming kit and obviously my gym clothes.

Michael: Lots of underwear. You never know when traveler’s diarrhea will kick in.

(Jae-Ha Kim is a New York Times bestselling author and travel writer. You can respond to this column by visiting her website at You may also follow “Go Away With...” on Twitter at @GoAwayWithJae where Jae-Ha Kim welcomes your questions and comments.)

