
Chinese boycott Malaysia over missing jetliner

Captain Peter Moore is silhouetted against the southern Indian Ocean aboard a Royal Australian Air Force AP-3C Orion aircraft searching for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight 370 over the southern Indian Ocean on Thursday.
Captain Peter Moore is silhouetted against the southern Indian Ocean aboard a Royal Australian Air Force AP-3C Orion aircraft searching for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight 370 over the southern Indian Ocean on Thursday.
(Michael Martina / AFP/Getty Images)
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BEIJING – From beach vacations to entertainers, all things Malaysian are being boycotted in China in protest of the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight 370 and what many consider the bungled investigation that has followed.

Major Chinese ticketing agencies this week banned sales of airplane tickets to Malaysia, with one of them, eLong, saying it will maintain the stricture “indefinitely until the Malaysian government and Malaysia Airlines release every piece of information they have in order to find out the truth of the missing flight as soon as possible.’’

On Friday, family members of the missing, who have been gathered in Beijing’s Lido Hotel since the flight’s disappearance March 8, boycotted a regular press conference held by Malaysia Airlines, leaving airline personnel in a conference room with just journalists.


Even a popular singer, Fish Leong — an ethnically Chinese Malaysian who is pregnant – has been beset by threats on her microblog, with angry Chinese cursing her unborn child.

Of 227 passengers on the ill-fated flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, 153 were Chinese nationals. The families have been encouraging the campaign, with denunciations growing increasingly shrill.

“Shameless executioners!” wrote a Shandong-based businesswoman. “Malaysia should disappear from the face of the earth.’’


The airline has closed down an information office it had opened for relatives of the missing at the Lido Hotel, saying that it was advised to do so by Chinese authorities fearful that airline employees might be attacked. At some briefings, family members have thrown water bottles at airline officials.

Hundreds of relatives marched outside the Malaysian embassy in Beijing on Tuesday, a protest that appeared to have the blessing of the Chinese government, which supplied buses for the demonstrators. Since then, however, Chinese authorities have been reining in the anti-Malaysia campaign, toning down inflammatory editorials in the state press.

The Malaysian government has drawn criticism worldwide for the way it has handled the search. Days were wasted searching for the plane along its flight path over the South China Sea because Malaysian military radar apparently failed to detect that the flight had turned around and headed toward the Indian Ocean.


More frustration came Friday when it was announced that after 10 days, search efforts off the west coast of Australia were being moved 680 miles to the north.

Chinese celebrities have jumped on the anti-Malaysia bandwagon, using their microblogs to drum up support for the boycott.

“Malaysia… you are wrong not to revere life. You are wrong not to respect the universal quest for truth,” wrote Zhang Ziyi, one of China’s best-known actresses, on her Sina Weibo account.

“I’ve never been to Malaysia and I do not plan to go there in the future. If you feel the same, please retweet this message,’’ wrote Meng Fei, the host of a popular TV dating show. His message was retweeted 337,000 times.

Malaysian officials are increasingly fighting back, noting that other countries that lost people on the flight are behaving in a “rational” manner — a clear dig at the Chinese.

“I just want to say to the Chinese families — it is not just them,’’ said Malaysian transportation minister Hishamuddin Hussein at a Friday press conference in Kuala Lumpur. “Fourteen other nations have lost family members.’’


In an editorial in the Beijing News on Thursday, columnist Pan Caifu criticized Chinese celebrities who have tried to score points by beating up on Malaysia, a country that is 30% ethnically Chinese.

“Malaysia has over a dozen Chinese-language newspapers, and between 400 to 500 Chinese-language schools, and two Chinese-language universities,’’ the columnist wrote. “When public sentiment is inflamed, the media and public figures should be more calm and rational than the ordinary people, instead of fanning the flames.’’

No figures have been released of how many Chinese have canceled trips to Malaysia in recent days. According to Malaysian tourism officials, 1.79 million Chinese visited Malaysia last year, accounting for about 12% of incoming tourists.
