
MySpace Needs a Cleaning

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Sallie Hofmeister’s article on tells nothing of the dangers of this website for our children (“Amid a Plethora of Parodies, MySpace Has Become His,” July 21). Ms. Hofmeister refers to these children as “young hipsters” when, in fact, an alarming number of them are children from 10 to 15 years old.

These children give out far too much personal information with pictures, the cities they live in, where they hang out, go to school, etc. MySpace is a virtual candy store for pedophiles. There have been stings set up using this website and arrests made. The Sacramento Bee reported that a Rancho Cordova man was arrested June 2 for molesting a 12-year-old girl he met through

MySpace is supposed to be for young adults over the age of 17, but they do almost nothing to stop the children from signing up.


Ms. Hofmeister tells us of the purchase of by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. Perhaps she can follow up with an article that gives us all the information regarding this website and encourage Mr. Murdoch to clean it up.

Ken Tank

Quail Valley
