
Taser Firm Enlists Advisors to Help Boost Military Sales

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From Bloomberg News

Stun-gun maker Taser International Inc. has formed an advisory panel to help the company expand sales to the U.S. military and federal law enforcement agencies.

The eight-member group includes a retired Army general and a retired Marine lieutenant general, the Scottsdale, Ariz.-based company said Wednesday.

President Thomas Smith said he wanted to boost the number of electric stun guns sold to the military, which totals about 5,000 units since Taser went public five years ago. As of the first quarter, there were 206,500 Tasers in official hands and 115,000 owned by civilians.


“We believe nonlethal weapons sales to the military will grow,” Smith said.

The advisors include Gary Luck, a retired Army general who serves as senior mentor at the U.S. Joint Forces Command’s Joint Warfighting Center, and Buck Bedard, who was deputy commandant for plans at Marine headquarters.

The panel also includes retired officers from police departments, the National Guard and the Secret Service. They will be compensated, although they won’t receive salaries or stock options, Smith said.

“They have all had different command positions from their past experience and have shown an interest in our weapons,” Smith said. “As we’re moving to build military sales, we thought it would be a good idea to have the benefit of their expertise.”


Taser’s shares rose 54 cents to $7.68. They have gained 10.3% this year.
