
Jon Bon Jovi’s daughter won’t face drug charges after alleged OD

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Jon Bon Jovi’s daughter Stephanie Bongiovi, who was arrested Wednesday after a suspected heroin overdose in her college dorm, found herself off the legal hook Thursday after charges were dropped.

Bongiovi, a student at Hamilton College, benefited from of a 2011 New York state law that prohibits prosecution of folks who OD or who call for help in a life-threatening, drug-related situation, according to the Utica Observer-Dispatch.

“By law, they have immunity. I can’t prosecute them even if I wanted to,” Oneida County District Attorney Scott McNamara told the Observer-Dispatch, saying the quick decision to drop the charges had nothing to do with the case’s celebrity element.


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Who placed the original emergency call was also investigated, the DA said.

If the amount of drugs found had been larger — more than 8 ounces of heroin — it would’ve been a different story.

Also catching a break was Ian Grant, the 21-year-old who was arrested with 19-year-old Bongiovi and like her charged with misdemeanor possession of a controlled substance. Bongiovi, who was reportedly recovering at a hospital Wednesday, also faced two marijuana-related charges and misdemeanor use of drug paraphernalia.


So when it comes to the legal system, that’s that for Miss Bongiovi. But the wrath of papa Jon Bon Jovi could be another thing entirely.


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