
Shinedown doesn’t disappoint big crowd

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Sentinel Staff Writer

The music industry isn’t immune to the economic crisis that surrounds the world right now.

And Brent Smith recognizes that.

The frontman for Shinedown was in awe of the sold-out crowd at the House of Blues, and made sure no one had wasted a dime with an electric performance that mixed heavy metal with rock ballads.

It is rare to see a scene that sports mosh pits one moment, and sing-a-longs the next, but Shinedown found the right mix and pace of songs to showcase Smith’s impeccable vocals and also highlight the playfulness of a very energetic band that couldn’t seem to sit still.

The Florida-based band is predominantly known for its mega-single, “Second Chance.” The song stood out on Wednesday night, not because of the rendition (it was quite good), but because it is unlike most of Shinedown’s other work. The chart-topper relies more on the melody and catchy lyrics, while most other songs were dominated by vocal riffs and heavy guitar play.


Smith also shined during “Devour” and “The Crow & The Butterfly.”

Many rock groups try to put on their game face, but Shinedown isn’t afraid to give out hugs to each other and share the mic to give praise to the crowd. Prior to a heart-felt tribute to Lynyrd Skynyrd and “Simple Kind of Man,” Smith choked back tears after telling a story of how the band took them in during a music festival in Kansas City, taking a step away from the microphone to compose himself before pulling off the best song of the night.

That lesson doesn’t seem to be lost on Shinedown, as the band brought an impressive lineup with them to Orlando, highlighted by Sick Puppies, who got the crowd roaring during a 40-minute set. The Australian band is led by Shimon Moore, who is as funny as he is talented with his vocals. His improv in between songs helped capture an audience that didn’t seem overwhelmingly familiar with the band’s music. Guiatarist Emma Anzai is a great compliment to Moore, as she says very little, but bounces around the stage like a ping-pong ball while Moore is predominantly stationary.

And, on Wednesday night, these two bands made time stand still for awhile, leaving someone else to worry about the “real world” for awhile.
