
‘Revolutionary’ toothpicks, wetter water and other weird stuff

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A steady supply of product pitches find their way to the Healthsection in-tray. Among the many items we heretofore had no idea weneeded are ayurvedic clothing, brown seaweed, a “revolutionary”toothpick and water that is truly wet.

Ayurvedic clothing, we’re told, is impregnated with “over 25medicinal plants and herbs to help address both serious andeveryday ailments....through the trans-dermal process of fiber toskin contact, the herbs and plants are diffused into the pores ofskin to restore vitality and balance for healing and optimumhealth.”

(Thanks, Medea. We’ll check it out!)

Brown seaweed is the “hottest health ingredient” and a “promisingfat-fighter, weight reducer.” A chemical within it “targetsabdominal fat, in particular, and may help reduce oversized guts.”Might this be why scientists are reporting that whales are gettingskinny?


The BrytonPick is a stylish, portable, toothpick that “is the mostrevolutionary product to hit the dental scene in a very long time,”which might suggest things are a tad sleepy in the nation’s dentaldepartments. The pick features “a dentist-approved, germ-freematrix technology” and a stylish case, and makes picking your teethat business meetings quite acceptable — stylish, even.

Finally, there is H2Ultra, “a revolutionary, cutting-edge waterthat has been clinically proven to hydrate your body faster andmore efficiently than other waters.” This is important, the releaseinforms us, because “75% of the world’s population suffers fromchronic dehydration,” a stat we were unaware of. Should that not bereason enough to buy the water, we’re also informed it has a “greatsmooth taste.” Unlike the stuff from the tap.

— Rosie Mestel
