
Echochrome teases the brain

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Special to The Times

The beautifully haunting chamber strings that play during Echochrome are reminiscent of Bernard Herrmann’s score from the classic Alfred Hitchcock film “Vertigo.” How fitting.

After all, the simple yet surreal puzzles that make up the game are masterpieces of mystery, just like many of the old master’s films. And also like some of Hitchcock’s works, Echochrome is way too complex to be enjoyed by every- one.

Using simple black lines on a white background, the object of Echochrome is to direct a walking avatar to specific places on a floating path. By controlling the perspective of the puzzle, such obstacles as gaps or holes in the path can be covered and made invalid. By aligning two separate parts of the puzzle, even those with different heights, a connection is made and the character continues walking.


If an M.C. Escher illustration and the futuristic puzzle game Portal from last year’s “Orange Box” had a kid, this would probably be it.

So while it’s safe to say there has never been a game like this -- ever -- it’s also not going to be truly enjoyed by most. Because it requires so much remarkably creative thinking to play, it’s also not very easy, even for those usually good at puzzle games (like Tetris). Most of the puzzles are severe head scratchers.

Still, the originality and low price make it worth a look for puzzle aficionados with large amounts of patience.


Grade: B (Brilliant, yet brain cramping.)

Details: PlayStation 3 platform; Available for download from the PlayStation store for $9.99; rated: Everyone.

This hoops game misses playoffs

It’s amazing how well they package demo discs these days. By looking at the box, it’s almost impossible to discern that NBA Ballers Chosen One is nothing more than a sample version of what should be a decent hoops title when the full version is released some day.


Oh, wait, you mean this is the full version? Oh. Well, I guess that explains the price tag. Ballers is not cartoonish enough to be as fun as the classic NBA Jam series and not serious enough to be a good simulator like NBA Live. (As crude as it was, even old school Arch Rivals is more exciting than this one.)

The limited options of the gameplay are pretty one-dimensional (Wow! Another one-on-one game on a half court!) and what few wrinkles that are added (like one-on-one-on-one) quickly grow monotonous. Disorienting, disruptive cut-screens show off fancy trick moves but interrupt any kind of flow to the action. The ball magically passes through things like limbs, backboards and players. And the writing and acting in the cut-screens is “Showgirls” bad. (Rap icon Chuck D., host of the “show,” deserves better.)

If you’ve chosen this one over the far superior NBA Street, prepare to feel taken.

Grade: D (A demo disc for sale at full price!)

Details: PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 platforms; $59.99; rated: Everyone.
