
Deciding when to file for bankruptcy

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Money Talk

Dear Liz: My husband and I are struggling with whether to file for bankruptcy. We have $80,000 in credit card debt, which has ballooned because of high interest rates and our paying only the minimum. My husband and I were both laid off in 2008. I collected unemployment for not quite a year and still have not been able to find work. My husband found a job after a year and a half, but then was injured at work and faces another four to six months of recovery, so he is receiving only 67% of his former wage. Now we can’t keep up with our bills. We have stopped paying three of our credit cards and are getting hounded to no end. We are trying to sell our house but even that is not selling. We have nothing left. No retirement, no savings, just debt. We are drowning. We both have such a hard time with the idea of filing for bankruptcy, but is it time?

Answer: People can sometimes avoid bankruptcy if they seek help early enough. If they’re able to pay more than the minimums on their credit cards, for example, they may be able to use a legitimate credit counselor’s debt management plan to pay off their debt.

But debt management plans require that you have at least some disposable income. If you can’t keep up with your bills or find employment, that doesn’t describe your situation.


You still can contact a creditor counselor via the National Foundation for Credit Counseling at, but you also should contact an experienced bankruptcy attorney (you can get referrals from the National Assn. of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys at You may not want to file, but you may not have much choice, particularly if you want the collection calls to stop.

What’s especially sad is that you apparently drained your retirement to pay your bills. Your retirement money would have been protected from creditors, but you essentially threw good money after bad. Retirement money should be left alone for retirement, so you can support yourself in your old age. Anyone who’s considering draining a retirement account or home equity to pay credit card debt or medical bills should first consult a bankruptcy attorney to understand the ramifications of this often-foolish act.

Dear Liz: We were recently advised by a financial advisor to put $500,000 into a variable annuity. It is for my mother’s trust, and frankly, my mother is not expected to live past another year. The cost of the annuity is supposed to be 1% above our current fees, and there is a floor on our investment so that no matter what happens in the market, if my mother dies we would still get the $500,000 back. If the market rises, we get the higher fund balance upon her death. Articles that I read online say that variable annuities cost more, generate large fees for the seller and the survivor has to pay taxes on the distribution as ordinary income, not as capital gains. They say variable annuities are not really good, and brokers can get $30,000 to $50,000 in fees on a $500,000 annuity. What is your opinion of a variable annuity?


Answer: Run this investment past a fee-only financial planner — one who is paid only by fees from you, not commissions on insurance products. You’ll get an earful about why this investment is probably a bad idea.

Your research has turned up most of the disadvantages. One you didn’t mention was surrender charges. If the money needs to be accessed in a hurry, you are likely to pay stiff fees for doing so.

Variable annuities are designed to be long-term retirement savings vehicles, not short-term repositories for cash. If you’re concerned about the safety of your mother’s investments, talk to the fee-only planner about your options, such as moving some or all of the money to an FDIC-insured bank account.


“I know it’s boring, but the money will be there in case they need it for Mom,” said financial planner Delia Fernandez of Los Alamitos. “And it will be liquid and available at her death to help settle final costs.”

Dear Liz: You mentioned Small Business Development Centers in a recent column. An additional avenue of free business advice is through SCORE, which is also closely affiliated with the Small Business Administration. SCORE uses its 10,000-plus business-savvy volunteers to assist small businesses, either starting out or needing some free professional guidance. In many areas of the country the local Small Business Development Centers and SCORE work closely together in assisting small businesses.

Answer: Thanks for mentioning another important resource for entrepreneurs. SCORE offers online as well as in-person mentoring, and can be found at

Liz Weston is the author of the upcoming book “The 10 Commandments of Money: Survive and Thrive in the New Economy.” Questions for possible inclusion in her column may be sent to 3940 Laurel Canyon, No. 238, Studio City, CA 91604 or via the “Contact Liz” form at Distributed by No More Red Inc.
