
Readers React: Why Trump will quit if the Republican convention doesn’t go his way

GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump holds up a pledge to support the Republican nominee in the 2016 general election, ruling out a third-party or independent run, in New York City on Sept. 3, 2015.

GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump holds up a pledge to support the Republican nominee in the 2016 general election, ruling out a third-party or independent run, in New York City on Sept. 3, 2015.

(Spencer Platt / Getty Images)
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To the editor: Jonah Goldberg warns of the calamity that will occur if Donald Trump wins or doesn’t win the GOP presidential nomination. (“Nominating Donald Trump will end the Republican Party as we know it. So will not nominating him,” Opinion, March 22)

Why all this nervous hand-wringing? It is obvious Trump will quit.

When the power brokers try to squeeze Trump out at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, he will cut and run. That is Trump’s modus operandi. He’s always dumped ventures that weren’t working out, only later to claim that they were successes.

Trump will lash out and tell us that America has lost its chance to have its greatest president. Here’s a queasy thought: A new folk hero is looming.


Trump probably realizes a coalition of Democrats, immigrants, women, Muslims and thoughtful Republicans would never vote for him in November. He could not go forward for the rest of his life as a “loser.”

Thus, the GOP will have a new headache to deal with, but The Donald will not merely ride off into the sunset. Brace yourself for his next televised publicity stunt.

James Regan, Carlsbad



To the editor: Goldberg dismisses Trump supporters as uninformed. He’s wrong.

In California, it’s easy to change political party affiliation. It takes a few minutes; I know because I just did it.

I changed my affiliation from Democrat to Republican in order to vote for Trump in the primary, and I know that if he is aced out of the nomination, I will hold my nose and return to the Democratic Party. I am highly educated and politically centrist.

Trump is winning because people are sick of all the media and entrenched power brokers trying to maintain the status quo. There’s change coming, and it will be good for everyone, even pundits who will be proved wrong when the final votes are counted.


Louise Greene, Pacific Palisades

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