
Readers React: Don’t blame the electric cars

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To the editor: Dear Gov. Jerry Brown: My family is doing what we can to save the environment. (“Rough road,” July 1)

We purchased an electric vehicle, and we took out our front lawn. We received about $4,000 for doing these two things, and our decisions to participate were definitely influenced by the monetary incentives we received.

I read that one idea for raising money to fix our roads is to charge people like myself an extra $100 per year on our electric vehicle registration.


Here’s a longer-term solution: Invest in our infrastructure and continue to incentivize using electricity. Build an electric train like BART down the center of the 91 and 55 freeways so people can get from the Inland Empire to Orange County.

Then dedicate at least one lane on the existing freeways for electric vehicles and bicycles. Then we Inlanders can get to O.C. more efficiently.

Tony Wood, Redlands



To the editor: The government always seems to stress the need for more money to fix a problem. What about evaluating efforts to do the same tasks more efficiently at a lower cost?

There are multiple causes of road damage, with varying degrees of impact on the ability to drive safely.

How many times have you witnessed road work done in the same location at different times over and over again?


By prioritizing the need to repair based on how each damaged area, if corrected, would affect safety, plus coordinating equipment and staffing, I believe workable schedules at a significant reduction in costs could be achieved.

Joel Jacobs, Laguna Niguel


To the editor: Politicians and the governor pressure us to buy vehicles that are fuel efficient — and they don’t foresee a drop in revenue? Duh.

Kathleen Collins, Santa Monica
