
Readers React: Obama’s presidency doesn’t need ‘saving’

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To the editor: There is a need to save Barack Obama’s presidency? A presidency that has, as McManus mentions, “ended the Great Recession, brought two wars to a close and made health insurance available to millions”? (“Can Obama’s presidency be saved?,” Op-Ed, Nov. 8)

If there is anything that needs saving, it is that segment of our electorate that seems to only have short-term memory and is thus unable to think contextually. How else explain the results of last week’s election?

Victor W. Monsura, Garden Grove



To the editor: It’s amazing what Obama has accomplished with no help from Congress. His legacy will be impressive.

And how very sad that Republican Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the presumed incoming Senate majority leader, put all his energy into defeating Obama and blocking his agenda for a healthy middle class instead of responsibly helping him govern the country.

And now McConnell is being rewarded for this childish behavior.

Joanne Tatham, Irvine


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