
Readers React: Would undocumented immigrants make good U.S. citizens?

Supporters of immigration reform attend a rally in front of the White House on Friday thanking President Obama for his executive action on illegal immigration.
(Jose Luis Magana / Associated Press)
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To the editor: Our nation has been working since its founding to settle the rules of who will be allowed to freely live here. Early immigrants were screened for disease, with some put right back on the ship that brought them. Others were required to have a present citizen vouch for them. Just what does the person we prefer as a prospective citizen look like? (“Republicans want to oppose Obama on immigration, but how?,” Nov. 22)

Is it the person who currently “buys” a green card with a $500,000 investment, or is it perhaps the highly trained person thought to add value to our economy? Do we want to deny felons, or just certain types of felons? Must the applicant be honest and have at least attempted to enter legally before illegally entering, illegally working and making all the dishonest claims needed to stay here?

I think we should give any new green cards to the people in line at their country of origin and who can meet some basic moral and honesty standards. They might not have the emotional appeal, but I’d bet they make better citizens.


William E. Durkee, El Monte


To the editor: I find it telling that of the five options for Congress, passing a bill was the last option the article listed.

What is Congress elected to do? Impeach, sue and censure? This Congress has done close to nothing for the last two years. I guess we can look forward to more bickering, moaning and threats rather than lawmakers working for their salaries.


Congress did hardly any work this year, but lawmakers continue to collect their pay. I call this getting something for doing nothing, which many of them profess to be against. They keep their healthcare, which they are desperately trying to take away from the rest of the country.

Sandy Sciortino, North Hollywood


To the editor: I am waiting for the article that focuses on all the citizens who have hired illegal immigrants over the years and whether they will be fined or prosecuted for making it possible for the undocumented to remain in the United States illegally.


These citizens are as much a part of the problem as anyone else, perhaps even more so. They basically paid the immigrants to break the law.

Justice, equity and other noble purposes would be served if we cracked down on these people. I hope I won’t have to wait too long.

Kay O’Bryan, San Diego

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