
The bigotry behind ‘Brexit’

Former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown delivers a speech at a "Remain In" event in Leicester, Britain on June 13. Britons will vote on whether or not leave the EU in a referendum this week.
(Will Oliver / EPA)
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To the editor: Yes, “Brexit” is just a symptom, but not in the way Jonah Goldberg would have us believe. (“‘Brexit’ is just a symptom of a larger crisis,” Opinion, June 21)

The campaign leading up to Britain’s referendum on membership in the European Union has been bitter, vitriolic and worse. A prominent conservative left the pro-“Brexit” campaign this week because, she said, it has been telling lies and spreading hate and fear.

And tragically, a Brexit zealot killed a British lawmaker for the simple reason that she supported Britain remaining in the European Union.


One could argue that the same sort of hatred and bitterness has been injected into our current presidential campaign. There is a difference between “popular discontent” and hatred and bigotry.

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Steve Mehlman, Beaumont



To the editor: Hidden deep in Goldberg’s ramblings on the European Union, Greece and all things Euro is the “ah-ha” moment.

As President Obama attempts use of his bully pulpit to champion 21st century action on a number of fronts, Goldberg portrays this as “the rule of unaccountable rulers.” Let’s look at three hot-button topics and what action the American people want to take on them.

A majority of Americans want tighter gun control. Strong majorities favor immigration reform and acknowledge the reality on climate change. The Republican-controlled Senate and House continue to dance — not to the tune of the United States, but to greed and their own self-promotion.


The populist movement on the left has been fueled by the lack of common-sense action. The populist movement on the right has been fueled by the inaccuracies of Fox News and its current presumptive presidential candidate.

Stephen S. Anderson, Hacienda Heights

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