
Readers React: One political party would rather not deal with climate change. Vote accordingly

The average water temperature at Lake Tahoe has risen by about 1 degree since 1970.
(Rich Pedroncelli / Associated Press)
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To the editor: A graph in the Los Angeles Times shows a steady increase in the average temperature over the last 100-plus years. Another shows the state’s rapidly shrinking glaciers. (“Shrinking glaciers, bigger fires and hotter nights: How climate change is altering California,” May 11)

A certain political faction would probably dispute this as “fake news,” unverified science or misleading. When are Americans going to wake up and realize that there’s a political party in this country that doesn’t care about the planet’s well-being?

The Earth will not wait for these leaders to come to their senses. I fear they actually never will. Unfortunately the rest of us who actually want something done about it will not escape this inaction.


Please vote this November instead of allowing this slow suicide by climate change. Your children’s lives may very well depend on it.

Mike Aguilar, Costa Mesa


To the editor: Before you think the 1-degree water temperature rise in Lake Tahoe over the last 50 years is no big thing, keep this in mind: Water takes more heat than almost any other substance to raise its temperature.


Lake Tahoe is the sixth-largest lake by volume in the United States, surpassed only by the five Great Lakes. It is roughly 12 miles wide by 22 miles long with an average depth of 1,000 feet. It contains 36 cubic miles of water.

To put that in perspective, Lake Tahoe has much more water than Lake Mead and Lake Powell combined.

Dennis Arntz, Laguna Niguel


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