
Opinion: Frances’ populist backlash is a pro-Europe awakening

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To the editor: Don’t blame France or Britain for potentially breaking up the European Union. Blame Germany. (“Macron and Le Pen are now in a battle for the soul of France,” April 23)

One of the greatest things about Western society is our ability to look critically at ourselves, but that has recently been replaced by apathy. Germans are not allowed to be proud of their culture lest they be labeled Nazis. Instead it is politically correct to open the floodgates and subject your citizens and the rest of Europe to crime.

The populist backlash in France and elsewhere is happening because many now realize that being critical of yourself doesn’t mean hating yourself.


Tom Magdaleno, Camarillo


To the editor: What is so terrible about our president trying to make this country safer and economically stronger? About distinguishing between legal and illegal immigration?

In France, presidential candidate Marine Le Pen is regarded as the “most troubling” because she wants to give the French preference for social benefits. It’s as if the way to solve problems is to do the opposite of what common sense tells us to do.


Earl Yessmann, Hermosa Beach

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