
Opinion: Organ donation: an immense act of charity amid grief

Open heart surgery is performed at the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore in 2016.
(Patrick Semansky / Associated Press)
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To the editor: The op-ed article on the heart donated by author Reg Green’s 7-year-old son in Italy 22 years ago is a beautiful story. It is such a positive tale of death and the healing process. (“The final beat of Nicholas Green’s heart of gold,” Opinion, Feb. 13)

We donated parts of my 1-year-old son’s brain, his heart and his kidneys to Children’s Hospital Los Angeles when he died there in 1987. I have often wondered if doing so helped some kids in the years since.

This story gave me hope and comfort that it did some good. Thank you, Reg Green.

Tom Cashen, Los Angeles



To the editor: There should be a special award (both from the U.S. and Italy) for Reg and Maggie Green for their unselfish action after the death of their son. I know their place in heaven is secure.

How terrible for them to get the news of the death, at age 37, of the man who received their son Nicholas’ heart. Many people, including me, signed up to become donors 22 years ago after hearing about Nicholas.

Bob Guarrera, Laguna Niguel


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