
Opinion: Franken’s out, Trump and Roy Moore aren’t. That speaks volumes about their parties

Al Franken leaves Capitol Hill on Thursday after announcing his resignation on the Senate floor.
(Jacquelyn Martin / Associated Press)
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To the editor: As a card-carrying member of the #MeToo society, I am disgusted with the Democratic Party’s “clean line in the sand” over Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.), who announced his impending resignation on Thursday. (“Al Franken says he will resign from the Senate after multiple allegations of sexual improprieties,” Dec. 7)

It’s already clearly understood that there is a major difference in approach to the issue of sexual assault between the parties (President Trump being a case in point). I would have been satisfied to see the allegations against Franken considered by the Senate Ethics Committee, as Franken himself suggested. But in what I view as a blatantly political push, Senate Democrats do not want to be put in the position of answering questions about Franken in their own elections.

I would have liked to have heard the accusers’ cases and Franken’s defense. I believe a great injustice has been done to Franken, the people of Minnesota, Americans and, yes, the women of the #MeToo movement.


Sharon Solomon, Murrieta


To the editor: The times we are living in are truly mind boggling.

With Franken now resigning — the latest instance of a man losing his job over allegations of sexual harassment — one cannot help but note the irony that the current president, who basically confessed on tape to having committed sexual wrongdoings, is not only still in the White House, but is also supporting a Senate candidate (Roy Moore) who has been accused of a much more frightening kind of assault.

And if that’s not odd enough, the GOP is now spending money to help Moore’s campaign.

That Trump and Moore continue to push forward as others around them fall is disgraceful to our politics and society as a whole.


Conrad Angel Corral, Cathedral City


To the editor: Sorry as I am to see what’s happening to Franken, I applaud the Democrats for taking the moral high ground on the problem of sexual harassment, even when that could cost them an important vote in the Senate.

Now let’s see an equal number of Republicans take the same moral high ground against a possible future senator who is an accused sexual predator, and against a president who is a self-admitted sexual abuser.


I’m dreaming, of course.

Myra Sosin, Irvine


To the editor: It appears that Franken will be a noteworthy alumnus of the two most outrageous comedy shows of the past half-century: “Saturday Night Live” and Congress.

Nels Norene, Camarillo

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