
Mike Pence and Donald Trump: a frightening duo

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To the editor: Jonah Goldberg’s comparison of Indiana Gov. Mike Pence — Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s running mate — and Sansa Stark from “Game of Thrones” conveyed the reality of a codependent person who suffers abuse while continuing to name his abuser as not only “normal” but also desirable. (“How Mike Pence is like Sansa Stark,” Opinion, July 18)

Pence’s responses to Lesley Stahl on “60 Minutes” sounded like the robotic mantra, “He’s a good man.”

I, like many in our nation, need some realistic hope in this seemingly never-ending season of Trump’s bullying and disregard for our founding values. That hope requires 51% of us voting for sanity in November for it to be fulfilled.


Goldberg’s article displayed the danger we face and therefore enhanced my motivation to act as an informed and hopefully more humble “patriot,” a word I had rarely used since the 1970s but must now reclaim.

Barry Woodbridge, Fullerton


To the editor: Your article on Pence’s unsubstantiated claims in regard to the 2001 Washington anthrax attacks may shed some additional light on the Trump campaign’s choice for vice president. (“Mike Pence once peddled conspiracy theories about anthrax and Saddam Hussein,” July 17)


Just as Pence then claimed that the anthrax was “genetically modified” and suggested it was probably from Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, Trump shoots from the hip as well. His immediate claim that the recent Egyptian airline crash was an act of terror (not proven) or that “something’s going on” when he discusses President Obama’s speeches regarding violence in Dallas and Baton Rouge, La., are also points that seem not to be based on the facts.

While Trump and Pence may not be brothers in arms, they do seem matched as brothers in alarm — a frightening thought if they win.

Stuart Fischman, Mission Viejo


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